
Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Passion Creates Energy"

Some 1 rightly said that passion creates energy. For a long period of time I was really wondering that almost every successful human being gave "passion" as one of the reason of their success, may it be Bill Gates, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Albert Einstien, Mohammed Ali, Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Beetles, Ted Turner, Richard Branson the list is endless.

So apart from being a very hyped word - what passion really means. Is it a energy, motivation, inspiration, thoughts, feelings, views, perspective, atoms or its a empty space ? or is it a combination of all the above mentioned words ? 

Truly speaking no idea - but having read some of the successful people it seems that Passion really is a combination of all of the above. It is a energy which never gets over, it is a motivation of not giving up under any circumstances, its a inspiration of rising after falling every time, its a thought which says everything is possible, its feeling which gives a Adrenaline Rush instantly in your body, its a view which only sees the accomplishment of the ultimate objective, its a perspective which understands everything but talks only about making the impossible possible, its an atom which attracts every like minded atom to make things happen, and finally its an empty space but an empty space which allows things to exists, things to grow, and allows one's to  write wonderful story.

U might be confused till now but all this comes to only one point that Passion is ultimately "doing what you want to do". May it be playing cricket, may be trading in the market, may it be writing articles, may it be singing song's, may it be becoming a fashion designer, or may it be just travelling or may it just be cooking ..................................but doing what you want to do.

Don't get influenced by anyone whosoever  it may be, don't get under pressure even if the whole world is pressurizing you, don't listen to anyone but only to your heart because somehow it already knows what you truly want.

People have become great just by doing what they wanted  to do : Beethoven despite being a deaf become the best musician ever, El Greco the greatest painter could hardly see, Beetles after getting rejected from Decca records became the best band ever, Thomas Alva Edison became the best innovator despite being a deaf, Lance Armstrong - Testicular Cancer - 7 times Tour de France winner, these people are in numbers and they have reached their by only doing what they wanted to do.

Lance Armstrong 
Beethoven - Greatest Musician - Was Deaf
El Greco- Greatest Painter - Was Blind

Remember : Amazing things happens when you stay in the game longer then anyone think you should.

So guys do nothing only listen to your heart, put that effort every second to hear the voice which comes from inside - it always comes but at times the sound outside is too louder, spend some time in emptiness, alone, doing nothing, u need to understand that "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

Cherish being born alone with your own thinking, individuality, difference, identity, personality, charm, aura, smile - don't spoil it by living some one else life.

U need chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star. 

Love, Avinash 


Gambhir Singh said...

Great thoughts. i do agree with you.
thanks and keep it up

nInI said...

Great!!! M happy 2 c ur blog n as usual its gonna be an encouraging, motivating and inspiring tour going thru ur blogs i know!! keep in touch n keep writing sir