
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Once Robert Louis Stevension said :
We are in such haste
To be doing, to be writing
To be gathering gear
To make our voice audible for a moment
In the derisive silence of eternity,
That we forget one thing, of which
These are but the parts -
Namely to live.

We run to and from on the earth
Like frightened sheep and
Now you are to ask yourself, if
When all is done, you would not
Have been better
To sit by the fire at home!
According to Registrar General Of India, there are as many as 10 deaths every min in India, 603 deaths per hour ,14475 deathsper day & 0.4 million deaths per month.
The point i am trying to make is that ,haven't we forget our near ones & dear ones, money has become the most important priority in our life.
We seems to be in such a haste of collecting things, rather say immaterial things which will be of no use to us or for our happiness.But still we seems to be so small hearted,so small that its such a big thig for us to share something with the ones who don't have anything.
Yesterday i saw something which sent a shiver down my spine ,i saw a young small girl begging at a traffic signal who was looking so hungry from so many days ,someone from an autoricksaw gave her a single piece of biscuit,she went and gave half of that to another small boy who was sitting at the other side of road.
I felt & realized can there be a bigger act of giving then this.
The great Alexender asked his ministers to take his both hands out of his coffin ,so that the whole world can see that even the greatest emperor of all times left this world empty handed.

When was the last time you expressed your love to some one you really love,approx 15000 people are dying every day ,we never know on which highway ,on which road ,or with which car we will die.All it will take is 3-5 seconds to end the game.
What we are waiting for go & call someone ,your mom ,dad, sister ,brother,your best friend in your college ,your Shutta partner in your first company ,your first crush,the guy or the girl who did proxy for you in the college, call them up express your love ,tell them how much importance they hold in your life.
Dont wait you are not going to live forever,life is short & it is good.
Call up your mom & say "mom i loved you a lot" 
You will not regret you did that .
With love,
love life, engage in it, give it all you've got. love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it


Charnita said...

Hi Avinash!

I liked the message of your blog.It is so true.

Sometimes we are so busy that we forget to live!

We need to learn to live!:)

Gambhir Singh said...

Hi Avinash sir!
i have read ur all blogs and i find it most interesting and most practical.Life is really beautiful just we should know how to live it.

Gambhir singh

" d unsinkable" said...

Thanks Charnita & Gambhir for the comment.

