
Friday, January 21, 2011

Understand the Human Being.

From the day I have opted to join SCMLD after my MBA I have got to learn a huge number of things about the Human. The biggest learning has been what Dale Carneige has rightly said :

"When we are dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotions, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity"

The whole answers lies in the below mentioned words :

- Don't Dictate - Inspire
- Don't Direct - Win people to your way of thinking
- Begin with praise and honest appreciation
- Build morale & earn loyalty
- Ask questions, instead of giving direct orders
- Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to

But after reading this what we are going to do about it ??? R we going to practice it day in day out until we become expert in this, and if we become expert in this then the road to success will be very short. Read the above lines again & again - 10-20-30 times a day until you totally internalize the words, let it sink in your mind completely.

Look where ever you will work, whatever you will do, which ever place you will be you have to work in, around & with people only. So the biggest you can learn is how you get the most from this creature called as human being.

So stop right here right now : Go back above and read the words again and practice it day in day out - soon you will understand the difference.

Best Luck,


Avinash Singh
We make things happen

1 comment:

Gambhir Singh said...

Rightly said. It is said in one minute manager that people dont like to be manipulated by others. so u can understand them and behave accordingly. great keep it up.