
Thursday, January 10, 2008

"want n dont want"

"I believe- wat may happn is wat keeps us alive.we want 2 see 2mrow."

there r 2 ways of gettin things in life:

1}wat we want n
2) wat we dnt want.

watever we want cumes us by our efforts n in life,its an reality dat watevr we dnt want also cumes in our life.
we dnt want 2 get fail ,we dnt want an accident ,we dnt failures,we dnt want bad people ,we dnt want negatve things ,bt sadly more or less everthin is cumin 2 us,in 1 form or another.
BUT "WHY" .we dnt want it....i will tell u.
our mind brings us only wat we think, believe it.

"close ur eyes and tell urslf dat,i dnt want 2 see an elephant wearing pink shoes on a beach"
wat happn,u saw dat. Right.
tell only wat u want ..dats d dead end.
& then see d miracle happening in ur life.our mind cant analyse d good or d bad,,it simply brings 2 u watever u think guys think good things in ur life in abundance..

: Ask,Believe,Recieve

:good luck,avi

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"habits leads 2 success"

As we have heard from childhood dat :
first man makes habits, then habits makes man.but i believe we have never given much importance 2 this. but now i think we all r standing at very crucial n turning point of our life,n i strongly believe wat we do from here will matter most in our life.
we all have set goals in our life,we know where is our destinaton, but somehow we forget to get our activities match to d frequency of our goal. n in results we tend 2 distract from our coveted goal.
so wat we need to do over here is ,,sit back for few minutes ,review our goals and just try 2 make out wat all activities will help us 2 reach our goal.

we should make habits which will prepare us 4 our destination.

"As it takes only 21 days 2 make a habit permanent

"Rembr: sum times , sum addiction makes people

gud luck,avi


As the science have proved : that everything is created twice in this world ,,first in our mind and second in matter watevr it is ,can be anything ur dream house,ur drm project ,ur drm hotel, ur drm company ,getting 1st in d college ,ur drm of getting at d top in d competition,dream of bcming d best ,drm of cracking the cat, getting at oxford univ, becmng d greatest doctor ever born ,,greatest businessman ever lived,,your dream of becoming "d savant",, ,,doesnt matter what .
It can be achieved ,but first u have 2 see it in ur dream,u have 2 visualize it !!!then only it can come in 2 existence...
so guys go on & dream 2 d fullest &then come back wid all guns blazing !!!!

remember :just enough 2 set by is not enough 2 get ahead !!

einstein said :"thoughts becomes things"

good luck,avi